Here is the latest on this one:
- today, I just received my graduation pack from the Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT), confirming that I have been awarded an Advanced Diploma in Electrcical Engineering, with "A" passes in all subjects.
The next step should now follow without any geat drama - i.e. application for Membership of the Institute of Engineers.
To those prize specimens who wrote that 1969 Awake article about "all young persons facing the fact that you will never grow old in This System" (me being 14 years old when that came out), I hoist the good old two-fingered salute to the bloody lot of you!
This evening, I celebrated by downing three full-strength beers. I may have taken something stronger, except for having to go through the breathalyser process at 0500 hrs tomorrow morning, and this site has a zero-tolerance drug and alcohol policy (plus the fact I had to send one of my staff home last week for "blowing a few numbers" in that morning's breathalyser test!)
Further, now having an engineering qualification under my belt, I have just thrown my cap into the ring for the Maintenance Superintendent's job at a major aluminium refinery (I believe those of you in North America both spell and pronounce this word as "Aluminum"?), which is within driving of my home. Hopefully, I will now be able to score a decent job without having to Fly-In/ Fly-Out to some site in the "Never Never" (to use that Australianism!). My family will be very happy about that, anyway, should I be successful.